Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mt. Airy Bantoms Toople Monarchs 27-12

On a rain soaked Saturday afternoon in Darby, the Monarchs welcome Keystone League power the Mt. Airy Bantoms.  The game which seem awkward at best matched the Monarchs 120's versus the Bantoms 105's.  On the surface, it seem like the monarchs would have the advantage weight wise, but in reality they did not.  The keystones league 105's maximum weight is 135 pounds and the age range is 13-14. Thus, the Bantoms were older, heavier and more physical Coach Greg barked after the game.  I set my kids up for failure today, I really did.  I just wanted the work but truth be told, I put my kids in a bad spot today because I did not fully understand the keystone league rules.  I apologized to kids and my parents afterward. 

Next time we play an organization from that league, we will have to get on the scale and the match teams up by age and weight instead of by our respective league weight classes and rules.  No more gentleman's agreements because the Mt Airy coach flat out told us lie. We had fans on both sides yelling ringer.  It could have gotten real ugly real quick for real.  Plain and simple it was an unsafe environment for my kids and I take full responsibility for that.   

As far as the game, the Bantoms jumped out to a 13-0 lead in the first quarter.  The Monarchs managed to cut the lead to 13-6 on a sweep to A. Gleplay near the end of the third.  He jogged 50 yards untouched on his first run from scrimmage.  Gleplay had a total of 3 rushes for 105 yards and two touchdowns but in the end, the Bantoms were to strong and coasted to a 27-12 victory.   I knew this was going to be a tough opponent Coach Greg stated, but when my kids started complaining that the other team was just to old I knew something was wrong.  My kids rarely complain.

We did not get beat today, they simply played the wrong team played today. Bottom line.  Mt. Airy's 105's age wise matches up with our 145's not our 120's.  I'm not sure if this was deliberate attempt to circumvent the system but it comes very close in my book especially when they told us they played and beat the Blawkhawks from Liberty Pop Warner.  At any rate, I'll look at the tape and see if i can get an idea of where we had breakdowns but at the end, I'm not concerned about this game Coach Tone barked.  We got the Trojans coming in our house next week.  And we will take out our frustrations on them.  They are the next team on the schedule.   End of discussion.

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