Saturday, September 22, 2012

Monarchs Get Rude Awakening In Lansdale

On Saturday , the Delco Monarchs stepped out of conference and challenged the Lansdale Cannoneers from Bux-Mont Pop Warner.  This was the first time in seven years the Monarchs faced a team from this league and unfortunately, the hour plus bus ride from Darby, PA proved to be no contest as the Cannoneers manhandled the Monarchs 27-6.  We played scared today.  We were just intimadated.  That's the bottom line Coach Greg said immediately after the game. I looked in my kids eyes today and I seen wolf.  They was shook after the weigh-in and even after we tired to assure them that every kid made weight.  Unfortunately, our kids for some odd reason thought they were big.  I personally did not but I'm not playing either Coach Tone said.

As far as the game,  they did everything we saw on tape.  Matter fact, the only play we did not see on tape was the naked boot leg which went for a touchdown late in second quarter.  Other than that, it was the exact same.  I thought we did an excellent job of scouting. I thought we had a good game plan going in to this but it just did not materialize on the field today. Its my fault.  I gotta get my kids in a better position to make plays Coach Greg said angerily.     

Truth be told, the only player that seem to bring his lunch pale work was Easy Stack aka # 21.  Easy rushed for over 100 yards and scored on the game's last play from scrimmage.  He was a man among boys today and the funniest thing was, he was the smallest kid out there on the field.  Other than that, I'm absolutely shocked at how my kids played Coach Tone barked.  

Lansdale forced 3 turnovers and capitalized on all three by scoring touchdowns.  We just can't compete when we make mistakes "WE CAN'T..  Coach Greg stated.  I saw kids missing easy tackles and I seen kids mysteriouly stepping out of the way and purposely missing tackles.  The only good thing about today was we got it all on film.  We will find out who wants to play and who just wants to wear a shirt.  I'll guarentee that. 

The Monarchs hit the road next week and play the Cobbs Creek Cats.  Hopefully, after a week of practice, the results will be different.  Only time will tell.  See you next week.


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