Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Monarchs Teach Drexel Hill a Harsh Lesson

They called the football scrimmage played yesterday at Penn Wood Middle School in Darby a clash for the ages, epic, monumental & maybe even historic.  Why??  Because the Bert Bell Memorial Football Conference routinely ducks or avoids Delaware Valley Pop Warner.  Finally, yes finally, the Drexel Hill Raiders bucked the trend and for the first time ever challenged the rugged Delco Monarchs.  I texted there head coach last week Coach Greg said and to my surprise he responded and they showed up on time.

As far as the contest, the Monarchs got the ball first and drove right down the field, unimpeded, as if they were out for an afternoon stroll.  It was all down hill from there, for Drexel Hill and the 100 plus fans who braved the heat interested in this over hyped scrimmage because the Monarchs would go on to blanked the  Raiders 30 - 0.  We simply imposed our will tonight Coach Tone shouted from the sidelines.  We got them off balance and we kept them off balance.   They stacked the line of scrimmage, we hit them with the deep ball.  They backed up and played zone we ran the ball up the gut.  Its football 101, Monarchs skipper Greg James barked.

The Monarchs were lead on offense by quarterback TJ. Harmon ( 4-6, 120 yards 2 TD's 1 Int. ) and halfback A Gleplay ( 5 rushes 105 yards 2 TD's ).  The defense was led by A. Thollie, I. McKnight, G. Subah to name a few.  I was satisfied with our effort tonight Coach Greg said afterwards even though we left some points on the table.  I'm very very proud of my kids especially because this was there first contest and you never know what to expect.  They rose to the occasion and dismantled a sound football team. 

The Monarchs will host a jamboree this Saturday with West Philly Panthers and 84th Street Wolves. The scrimmage will start a 10AM.  The 170's will be on the road in Delaware against the No Limit Hurricanes.  Game time is 6:30PM


1 comment:

Answered21 said...

That was a good game other then the ankle that was a solid performance. LETS GO MONARCHS we Bleed purple and gold for life