Monday, October 17, 2011

Dragons Not Tripped up By Monarchs

In terms of futility, few streaks could match the Dragons versus the Monarchs. And for the forth time in four years, the Monarchs found themselves on the wrong side of the scoreboard against the Dragons as they dropped a hotly contested and turnover plagued ballgame 18-6.

We just could not get it done today Coach Greg said after the game. We just can't get this monkey off our back too. And I don't know why? The Dragons are what we thought they were. They are an average Pop Warner team. Period... But this type of losing hurts. Its gets to players. It grinds them down and can put players in a mental state where they expect to lose. But we will regroup Coach Tone added. We will learn from this and move on to Levittown next week.

The Dragons offense struck quick. They scored on a run off tackle on there first possession and on a bomb on there second possession as they bolted to 12 - 0 lead in the first quarter. The young Monarchs appeared to be reeling and trying to catch there breath, until C. Grinnage scored on a one yard plunge up the gut to make the score a respectable 12-6 at halftime. The two teams exchanged turnovers in the third and fourth periods until the Dragons siege control late in the fourth. The Dragons were on the move and close to the end zone when there fullback appeared to cough up the football. But, an inadvertent whistle by there referee reversed the fumble. The Dragons retained possession and scored on there very next play from scrimmage with less than two minute remaining in the game.

He (referee) blew it Coach Greg shouted after the game. My kid clearly yanked the ball out the Dragons players hands and was well on his way to the end zone before the referee blew the whistle. The Dragons know it, the referee's know it, I know it and anybody who was at 7th and Cedar knows it. I'm not worried about the Dragons. All they do is blitz the "A" and the "B" gap. We well see them them jokers in the "Chip" in two weeks when it counts and we will be ready I guarantee it.

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