Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hurricanes frustrate Monarchs

The Monarchs endured a frustrating day of football Saturday against the No Limit Hurricanes. The 75lbs team forfeited. The 105lb team got slapped around 34-0 and the 135lbs team dropped a tough decision 33-12. The only bright spot of the day was the 160lb team as they eased passed the much larger 'Caines 27-6.

In the Junior Pee Wee game (105lbs), I knew we would be in for a little trouble Coach Greg said. Why? The 'Caines were huge and we haven't seen a team that big since we played West Oak Lane last year. I think they had around 25 players and about five or six of them were under 100 pounds. Matter fact, the only kids they had under 100 pounds were there older/lighters which by rule can not weigh more that 94 pounds padded up. Bottom line size mattered in this contest Coach Gene said. Couple that with the fact that the Monarch defense spent most of the afternoon on the field and you got the perfert formula for disaster. I looked at the game tape. And no disrespect to the 'Caines but they did not do anything special. We just simply missed tackles and lined up out of position. We made it easy for them. Thus we certainly deserved the whooping we got on Saturday Coach Greg said. And like I said before, we've just got a lot of work ahead of us .

In the Junior Midget (135lb) game, the Monarchs actually jumped out to a 7-0 lead on the 'Caines. But as predicted by offensive line coach JD, the storm came and with it came 27 unanswered points. By the time the Monarchs responded with a 60 yard TD run by A. Gleplay, the Monarchs were facing a three touchdown deficit. We had our opportunities to change the game Coach Gene said but negative plays such as sacks and turnovers simply killed us. Even a spectacular one handed interception by E. Glibi was not enough to motivate the young Monarchs.

Well folks, its gut check time around Monarch nation as this week they prepare to face league newcomer the Hard Knock Steelers from Christina, Delaware. I heard they had a pretty rough weekend against the Dragons. But in case you forgot, were not them. We play to totally different styles of football. I'm not saying ones better than the other because only time will tell. I just like the hand I got this year and I think we got something for that double wing / power I offense they run down there on 69th street.

E. Gbili one handed interception!!!

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