Monday, March 28, 2011

Pop Warner Request Meeting???

Out of nowhere, I get a phone call. Then boom!!! I get an email. Its from league president Raymnd Barnes. Yup, as expected, we get a meeting request from Pop Warner's national office to discuss among other things Chester Township, boundaries & territories, waivers for kids playing in our league who live in Philadelphia and recruiting kids in Liberty Pop Warner (the Philadelphia City League). Are you serious??? Here we go again. Another trip to Langhorne PA aka Sesame Place aka the Headquarters of Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. Why??? Because Chester is unhappy?? Two years ago we let them in our league and they have been nothing but a headache. To be honest, I thought they would be good for our league at first but there always complaining about this or complaining about that. They never want to take responsibility for there own actions. They just want to point fingers at the executive board or the league itself. Truth be told, Delaware Valley Pop Warner is not a perfect league. We have some issues. Cheating, forfeited games and the referees are some of the biggest complaints. But those issues are very much correctable. We just have to work together as a group and every organization should be held accountable to make the league better a place. Bottom line. And I rather play in Delaware County then the city of Philadelphia. Its just safer. No riots!!! No fights!!! Just good old fashion youth football.

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