Tuesday, September 2, 2008

90lbs Monarchs Shut Out Cats

As far as openers goes, the Monarchs 20-0 romp over league rival the Cats will not go down in history but will not be grouped with other forgettable openers like last season pasting by the South Philly Hurricanes at 25th and Jackson streets. Yes, the 2008 edition of 90lb Monarchs showed why defense wins championships, though they may need some time to find there way on offense. However, you could not tell this by the first play from scrimmage when first year fullback Eugene Sheppard III took the hand off from first year quarterback Tayshon Harmon and rumbled 50 yards for his first career touchdown. Our fullback and halfback are huge coach Jamil said. The other kids have trouble tackling them in practice. So I know they are going to a problem for our opponents this year. We just have to work on getting them the ball and providing blocks to get them going.

On defense, the Monarchs looked sharp and appeared to be up to there usual stingy self. If there was a hiccup, it came late in the first quarter when the Cats halfback went off tackle for a 90 yard run. However, he was tackled by first year halfback / linebacker Answered Gleplay prior to reaching the end zone. That kid never quit on the play coach Jamil said. That's why we run wind sprints at the end of each practice. And it paid off because three plays later Answered intercepted a screen pass and took it 95 yards for the Monarchs second score of the day. In the third quarter, Answered intercepted another Cats pass and return the ball 40 yards for his second score of day which made the score 20-0.

It was a great defensive performance today Coach Jamil said but to be honest, I'm really happy for my kids. Especially after not winning a game last year. Its was a good way to start the season. Plus, we got the monkey off our back quicker then anyone anticipated. But, I stress to parents at the 90lb weight class, it's just a learning experience because most of these kids have never played organized football. So, we try to teach are kids the fundamentals of football and just let them go out there and have fun. The score is not important, we just hope our 7,8, and 9 year olds remember move then there opponents.

On Saturday, the Monarchs will travel to Lansdowne to face the Matadors for there first ever meeting between the two organization. As many folks know, these organization did not play last year because of Pop Warners boundary / territitory rule. It was a little bit of an ugly situation and it still has not been fully resolved but the major reason behind the dispute is that Matadors are recuiting kids from the same geographical location as the Monarchs. With teams such as 69 Street, Colwyn & the Monarchs all less than five miles apart it just did not make since to add another team to the area.

Note: Kickoff is scheduled for Saturday at12 noon.

Go Monarchs...

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