Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The pads are on and the hitting has begun at Monarchs football practice 2008. And according to Coach Greg, the competition is starting to heat up. Friends are now becoming enemies once the pads come on and that's how it should be. Why??? Because hitting separates the young men from the boys. Everybody looks good in shorts & spikes.. Everybody looks like a football player. But once you put the pads on the mind set changes. Once you get knocked down only one or two things can happen: 1. You get up and inform your opponent that you will return the flavor on the next play or 2. You stay down and inform your parents after practice that football is not the sport for you. Hopefully, the player will lean towards the first scenario but I know I will lose a few kids. Its just the nature of the beast. My advice to any young player or first time player is that everybody at some point in there life was scared. And its okay to be scared. Its what you do and how you react when your scared that makes the difference.


1. K. Ward delivered a great form tackle on K. Cryor ( I have not seen a tackle like that since my high school days at Penn Wood high)

2. J. McMillian ran over J. Coker during a tackling drills. ( I know Mr. Coker is ready & waiting for the opportunity to redeem himself. That's just the type of player he is. He's a competitor)

3. A. Quiah does not have anybody big enough or strong enough to tackle him. That should change this week with the scheduled return of B. Siv & J. Pickens. ( This is a must see event)

4. D. Small (a first year player ) vs T. Harmon and AJ. Perez ( Now there's a battle.. Mr. Small appears to brings it on every play )

5. K. Cryor attempting to block I. Antwi ( Are you kidding me??? I tell you, Mr. Cryor has a big heart and is not afraid )

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