Remember where you heard it first!!! The Delco Monarchs 135's are the team to beat in the Delaware Valley Pop Warner according to coach Greg... Yes sir!!! I said it and matter fact you can quote me. I know I got the best junior midget's this year without a doubt. Now all we have to do is go out and prove it. And we will...
What about the Dynasty?? First of all I don't respect any team or organization that has to cheat to win. Now with that being said, the Monarchs have never and I quote "NEVER" been caught cheating. The Dynasty on the other hand have been caught with middle school players and an all star player on there team roster the last two years. This is illegal. So to me, they ain't no Dynasty, they are just "Dying Nasty" over there on 69th and Groovers Ave. Hell, I even got an email from one of there parents about there violation. My response: Look in the Pop Warner Rule Book.
What about Chester?? Huh??? C-Pride who always cries!!!! Man them dudes got some "Big Heads" over there on Elbright and Green. But I give it to them, they had buzz when the first started but now they just average. Hint.. Hint.. We are use to the speed game. Hit'em Hard and they either fumble or step out of bounds. Now all they have to do is stop complaining and follow the rules. What rule??? September 15th is the deadline to complete registration. No if's, and's or but's. And any player registered after that date makes your roster illegal. And yes, nothing has changed for the 2011 season.
Coach Greg, you know your giving your the Dynasty and Chester bulletin board material by saying all this stuff. To be honest, I don't care. They don't like us and we don't like them. And it's not personal.. Its just football people. Truth be told, we are friends... We are just not so friendly when we are on the gridiron and competing against each other. But after the game is over and the battle is either won or loss we go back to being responsible adults.... Why?? Because its really not that deep..
Junior Midget 2011 Schedule
Pre Season
at South Philly
at Darby Township or Enon
vs Claymont (Delaware) at Penn Wood High - Aug 27th
Regular Season
vs Upper Darby Trojans
at Cats
at Eastwick Dynasty Dragons
vs Upland Regulators
vs McCreesh Saints
at No Limit Hurricanes
vs Hard Knock Steelers