A ringer is a player that enters a competition under false representation. An example of ringer is a player that is overweight, over age for a particular weight class or a player who is currently participating / competing at the high school level while playing little league. Yesterday, the Upper Darby Trojans used various combinations of these types of players to defeat the Monarchs. The Monarchs 135's were handed a 20 - 6 set back while the Monarchs 160's losted 21 - 7.
The Trojans, who boldly predicted that they would defeat the Monarchs on a local radio station, lived up to there notorious reputation as cheaters. I knew some thing was up at the weigh-in Coach Greg said. They (the Trojans Coaches) wanted to conduct the weigh-in without being properly equipped. As per Pop Warner Rules, all weigh-ins should be conducted in full equipment except for the helmet. The Trojans requested to be weigh-in without jerseys on and the ruckus between the two organization began, there. It was a heated debate at the scale by both head coaches. My objection was simple Coach Greg said, (1) clothes add weight and (2) we would not know who the hell weighed in. Bottom Line... Then, during this illegal weigh-in, we tagged a Trojan player as being overweight. Once we indicated he could not play, the agrument started. Needless to say, this over weight player played in the game anyway. What's the point of having a scale or even weigh-in , Coach Alex barked???
This behavior continued in the 160's game too. No player had on a jersey at the weigh-in and four Trojan players did not make weight, but manged to sneak in the game anyway. Also, three other Trojan players (#8, #22 & #20) of which one plays high school football simply did not bother to weigh-in at all. Conincidently, they managed to play too. It took a while Coach Alex said, but we figured they started cheating late in the second quarter. We shut them down on there first 3 offensive possession, then all of a sudden, BAM!!!!! we could not tackle them. It was taking 3 or 4 Monarchs players to bring down one Trojan player down (specifically # 8 & # 20). It was so obvious it wasn't even funny one parent indicated. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on Coach Gene said matter of factly.
What we had out there yesterday was complete mess Coach Greg said empathically!!!! However, its what I have come to expect with the Upper Darby Trojans. They must think were stupid or something???? They do this every year. They'll do anything thing win a stink'n ball game. That organization has no class at all. And, at the end of the day it catches up to them at the regional level. They go every year and they either get disqualified or lose in the first round.
Message to the Trojans: CHEATERS NEVER WIN!!!
The Trojans, who boldly predicted that they would defeat the Monarchs on a local radio station, lived up to there notorious reputation as cheaters. I knew some thing was up at the weigh-in Coach Greg said. They (the Trojans Coaches) wanted to conduct the weigh-in without being properly equipped. As per Pop Warner Rules, all weigh-ins should be conducted in full equipment except for the helmet. The Trojans requested to be weigh-in without jerseys on and the ruckus between the two organization began, there. It was a heated debate at the scale by both head coaches. My objection was simple Coach Greg said, (1) clothes add weight and (2) we would not know who the hell weighed in. Bottom Line... Then, during this illegal weigh-in, we tagged a Trojan player as being overweight. Once we indicated he could not play, the agrument started. Needless to say, this over weight player played in the game anyway. What's the point of having a scale or even weigh-in , Coach Alex barked???
This behavior continued in the 160's game too. No player had on a jersey at the weigh-in and four Trojan players did not make weight, but manged to sneak in the game anyway. Also, three other Trojan players (#8, #22 & #20) of which one plays high school football simply did not bother to weigh-in at all. Conincidently, they managed to play too. It took a while Coach Alex said, but we figured they started cheating late in the second quarter. We shut them down on there first 3 offensive possession, then all of a sudden, BAM!!!!! we could not tackle them. It was taking 3 or 4 Monarchs players to bring down one Trojan player down (specifically # 8 & # 20). It was so obvious it wasn't even funny one parent indicated. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on Coach Gene said matter of factly.
What we had out there yesterday was complete mess Coach Greg said empathically!!!! However, its what I have come to expect with the Upper Darby Trojans. They must think were stupid or something???? They do this every year. They'll do anything thing win a stink'n ball game. That organization has no class at all. And, at the end of the day it catches up to them at the regional level. They go every year and they either get disqualified or lose in the first round.
Message to the Trojans: CHEATERS NEVER WIN!!!